顾 伟


顾 伟




办公电话: 13814005169


顾伟,东南大学教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者入选国家级青年人才计划IET Fellow,东南大学电气工程学院副院长,分布式发电与主动配电网研究所所长,IEEE PES 能源互联网运行与控制等4个分委会副主席。主要从事综合能源系统、电力系统仿真、分布式发电与微电网等领域的研究。主持国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项 1项、国家自然科学基金联合基金(重点支持)项目1项、面上/青年项目3项,江苏省杰出青年科学基金1项,国家重点研发计划课题1项。以第一完成人获得江苏省科学技术奖一等奖1项、中国电力科学技术奖一等奖1项、中国仿真学会科学技术一等奖1项、教育部自然科学二等奖1项、日内瓦国际发明展金奖2项。担任IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 电力系统自动化等6本国内外核心期刊编委。在国内外核心刊物上发表SCI论文150余篇,授权国家发明专利60件、美国发明专利5件。




[1]       G. Pan, Q. Hu, W. Gu, S. Ding, H. Qiu, and Y. Lu, Assessment of Plum Rain's Impact on Power System Emissions in Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin of China, Nature Communications, 2021, 12: 6156.

[2]       G. Pan, W. Gu, Q. Hu, J. Wang, F. Teng, and G. Strbac, Cost and Low-Carbon Competitiveness of Electrolytic Hydrogen in China, Energy & Environmental ScienceIF=32.5, 2021, 14(9): 4868-4881.

[3]       W. Zhuang, G. Pan, W. Gu, S. Zhou, Q. Hu, Z. Gu, Z. Wu, S. Lu, and H. Qiu, Hydrogen Economy Driven by Offshore Wind in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Members, Energy & Environmental ScienceIF=32.5, 2023, 16(5): 2014-2029.

[4]       S. Yao, W. Gu, J. Z. Wu, H. Lu, S. Zhang, Y. Zhou, and S. Lu, Dynamic Energy Flow Analysis of the Heat-Electricity Integrated Energy Systems with a Novel Decomposition-Iteration Algorithm, Applied Energy, 2022, 322.

[5]       S. Zhang, W. Gu, X. Zhang, H. Lu, R. Yu, H. Qiu, and S. Lu, Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Integrated Electricity and Gas Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023, 14(2): 1011-1026.

[6]       S. Yao, W. Gu, S. Lu, S. Zhou, Z. Wu, G. Pan, and D. He, Dynamic Optimal Energy Flow in the Heat and Electricity Integrated Energy System, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(1): 179-190.

[7]       S. Zhang, W. Gu, S. Lu, S. Yao, S. Zhou, and X. Chen, Dynamic Security Control in Heat and Electricity Integrated Energy System with An Equivalent Heating Network Model, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(6): 4788-4798.

[8]       G. Pan, W. Gu, Y. Lu, H. Qiu, S. Lu, and S. Yao, Accurate Modeling of a Profit-Driven Power to Hydrogen and Methane Plant Toward Strategic Bidding Within Multi-Type Markets, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(1): 338-349.

[9]       C. Wu, W. Gu, E. Luo, X. Chen, H. Lu, and Z. Yi, An Economic Cybernetic Model for Electricity Market Operation Coupled with Physical System Dynamics, Applied Energy, 2023, 335.

[10]   S. Lu, W. Gu, Y. Xu, Z. Dong, L. Sun, H. Zhang, and S. Ding, Unlock the Thermal Flexibility in Integrated Energy Systems: A Robust Nodal Pricing Approach for Thermal Loads, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023, 14(4): 2734-2746.

[11]   W. Gu, S. Ding, S. Lu, P. Zhao, D. Zou, Y. Qiu, R. Yu, and L. Sheng, Coordinated Heat and Power Cyber-Attacks with Time Window Matching Strategy, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023, 14(4): 2747-2761.

[12]   A. Guan, S. Zhou, W. Gu, Z. Liu, and H. Liu, A Novel Dynamic Simulation Approach for Gas-Heat-Electric Coupled System, Applied Energy, 2022, 315.

[13]   S. Lu, Y. Xu, W. Gu, X. Fang, and Z. Dong, On Thermal Dynamics Embedded Static Voltage Stability Margin, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, 38(3): 2982-2985.

[14]   C. Wu, W. Gu, S. Zhou, and X. Chen, Coordinated Optimal Power Flow for Integrated Active Distribution Network and Virtual Power Plants Using Decentralized Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(4): 3541-3551.

[15]   S. Ding, W. Gu, S. Lu, R. Yu, and L. Sheng, Cyber-Attack Against Heating System in Integrated Energy Systems: Model and Propagation Mechanism, Applied Energy, 2022, 311.

[16]   S. Lu, W. Gu, S. Ding, S. Yao, H. Lu, and X. Yuan, Data-Driven Aggregate Thermal Dynamic Model for Buildings: A Regression Approach, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022, 13(1): 227-242.

[17]   S. Lu, W. Gu, K. Meng, and Z. Dong, Economic Dispatch of Integrated Energy Systems with Robust Thermal Comfort Management, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(1): 222-233.

[18]   S. Zhang, W. Gu, X. Zhang, H. Lu, S. Lu, R. Yu, and H. Qiu, Fully Analytical Model of Heating Networks for Integrated Energy Systems, Applied Energy, 2022, 327.

[19]   G. Pan, W. Gu, S. Chen, Y. Lu, S. Zhou, and Z. Wei, Investment Equilibrium of An Integrated Multi-Stakeholder Electricity-Gas-Hydrogen System, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 150.

[20]   R. Yu, W. Gu, H. Lu, S. Yao, S. Zhang, S. Lu, S. Ding, and E. Luo, Non-Iterative Calculation of Quasi-Dynamic Energy Flow in the Heat and Electricity Integrated Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, 38(5): 4148-4164.

[21]   S. Zhang, W. Gu, S. Yao, S. Lu, S. Zhou, and Z. Wu, Partitional Decoupling Method for Fast Calculation of Energy Flow in a Large-Scale Heat and Electricity Integrated Energy System, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(1): 501-513.

[22]   S. Zhang, W. Gu, H. Qiu, S. Yao, G. Pan, and X. Chen, State Estimation Models of District Heating Networks for Integrated Energy System Considering Incomplete Measurements, Applied Energy, 2021, 282.

[23]   S. Zhang, W. Gu, H. Lu, H. Qiu, S. Lu, D. Wang, J. Liang, and W. Li, Superposition-Principle Based Decoupling Method for Energy Flow Calculation in District Heating Networks, Applied Energy, 2021, 295.

[24]   S. Lu, W. Gu, C. Zhang, K. Meng and Z. Dong, “Hydraulic-Thermal Cooperative Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems: A Convex Optimization Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(6): 4818-4832.

[25]   G. Pan, W. Gu, Y. Lu, H. Qiu, S. Lu and S. Yao, “Optimal Planning for Electricity-Hydrogen Integrated Energy System Considering Power to Hydrogen and Heat and Seasonal Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020, 11(4): 2662-2676.(ESI高被引论文)

[26]   C. Wu, W. Gu, R. Bo, H.Mehdipourpicha, P. Jiang, Z. Wu, S. Lu and S. Yao, “Energy Trading and Generalized Nash Equilibrium in Combined Heat and Power Market,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(5): 3378-3387.

[27]   G. Pan, W. Gu, H. Qiu, Y. Lu, S. Zhou and Z. Wu, “Bi-Level Mixed-Integer Planning for Electricity-Hydrogen Integrated Energy System Considering Levelized Cost of Hydrogen,” Applied Energy, 2020, 270: 115176.

[28]   S. Lu, W. Gu, S. Zhou, S. Yao and G. Pan, “Adaptive Robust Dispatch of Integrated Energy System Considering Uncertainties of Electricity and Outdoor Temperature,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16(7): 4691-4702.

[29]   G. Pan, W. Gu, S. Zhou, Z. Wu, H. Qiu and Y. Lu, “Synchronously Decentralized Adaptive Robust Planning Method for Multi-Stakeholder Integrated Energy Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020, 11(3): 1128-1139.

[30]   S. Lu, W. Gu, S. Zhou, W. Yu, S. Yao and G. Pan, “High-Resolution Modeling and Decentralized Dispatch of Heat and Electricity Integrated Energy System,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020, 11(3): 1451-1463.

[31]   L. Wang, W. Gu, Z. Wu, H. Qiu and G. Pan, “Non-cooperative Game-based Multilateral Contract Transactions in Power-heating Integrated Systems,” Applied Energy, 2020, 268: 114930.

[32]   S. Lu, W. Gu, K. Meng, S. Yao, B. Liu and Z. Y. Dong, “Thermal Inertial Aggregation Model for Integrated Energy Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(3): 2374-2387.

[33]   G. Pan, W. Gu, Z. Wu, Y. Lu and S. Lu, “Optimal Design and Operation of Multi-Energy System with Load Aggregator Considering Nodal Energy Prices,” Applied Energy, 2019, 239: 280-295.

[34]   C. Wu, W. Gu, R. Bo, P. Jiang, Z. Wu, S. Lu and S. Yao, “A Two-Stage Game Model for Combined Heat and Power Trading Market,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(1): 506-517.

[35]   W. Gu, S. Lu, Z. Wu, X. Zhang, J. Zhou, B. Zhao and J. Wang, “Residential CCHP Microgrid with Load Aggregator: Operation Mode, Pricing Strategy, and Optimal Dispatch,” Applied Energy, 2017, 205:173–186.

[36]   W. Gu, Z. Wang, Z. Wu, Z. Luo, Y. Tang and J. Wang, “An Online Optimal Dispatch Schedule for CCHP Microgrids Based on Model Predictive Control,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017, 8(5):2332-2342. (ESI高被引论文)

[37]   C. Wu, W. Gu, P. Jiang, Z. Li, H. Cai and B. Li, “Combined Economic Dispatch Considering the Time-Delay of a District Heating Network and Multi-Regional Indoor Temperature Control,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018, 9(1):118-127.

[38]   W. Gu, J. Wang, S. Lu, Z. Luo and C. Wu, “Optimal Operation for Integrated Energy System Considering the Thermal Inertia of District Heating Network and Buildings,” Applied Energy, 2017, 199: 234-246. (ESI高被引论文)

[39]   张苏涵,顾伟, 姚帅等. 综合能源网络统一建模及其应用():时域二端口模型[J].中国电机工程学报, 2021, 41(19): 6509-6521.

[40]   张苏涵,顾伟, 姚帅等.综合能源网络统一建模及其应用():复频域增广模型与时、频模型对比[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(16): 5798-5810+6157.

[41]   邱玥,周苏洋,顾伟.“碳达峰、碳中和”目标下混氢天然气技术应用前景分析[J].中国电机工程学报,2022,42(04):1301-1321.

[42]   潘光胜, 顾伟, 张会岩, 邱玥. 面向高比例可再生能源消纳的电氢能源系统. 电力系统自动化, 2020, 44(23): 1-13.

[43]   姚帅, 顾伟, 张雪松, 赵波, 陆帅, 吴晨雨. 热网特性对于综合能源系统超短期调度的影响. 电力系统自动化, 2018, 42(14): 83-90.

[44]   顾伟, 陆帅, 王珺, 尹香, 张成龙, 王志贺. 多区域综合能源系统热网建模及系统运行优化. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(5): 1305-1315.

[45]   顾伟, 陆帅, 姚帅等. 综合能源系统混合时间尺度运行优化[J].电力自动化设备, 2019, 39(08): 203-213.

[46]   王珺, 顾伟, 陆帅, 张成龙, 王志贺, 唐沂媛. 结合热网模型的多区域综合能源系统协同规划. 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(15): 17-24.

[47]   顾伟, 吴志, 王锐. 考虑污染气体排放的热电联供型微电网多目标运行优化. 电力系统自动化, 2012, 36(14): 177-186.

[48]   王锐, 顾伟, 吴志. 含可再生能源的热电联供型微网经济运行优化. 电力系统自动化, 2011, 35(8): 22-27.



[1]       顾伟, 楼冠男,柳伟. 《微电网分布式控制理论与方法》, 科学出版社, 2019, 12(ISBN 978-7-03-0628742-9).

[2]       H. Qiu, W. Gu, and F. You, Bilayer Distributed Optimization for Robust Microgrid Dispatch with Coupled Individual-Collective Profits, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(3): 1525-1538.

[3]       H. Qiu, W. Gu, X. Xu, G. Pan, P. Liu, Z. Wu, and L. Wang, A Historical-Correlation-Driven Robust Optimization Approach for Microgrid Dispatch, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(2): 1135-1148.

[4]       H. Long, C. Zhang, R. Geng, Z. Wu, and W. Gu, A Combination Interval Prediction Model Based on Biased Convex Cost Function and Auto-Encoder in Solar Power Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(3): 1561-1570.

[5]       X. Chang, Y. Xu, W. Gu, H. Sun, M. Chow, and Z. Yi, Accelerated Distributed Hybrid Stochastic/Robust Energy Management of Smart Grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(8): 5335-5347.

[6]       P. Liu, Z. Wu, W. Gu, and Y. Lu, An Improved Spatial Branch-And-Bound Algorithm for Non-Convex Optimal Electricity-Gas Flow, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022, 37(2): 1326-1339.

[7]       G. Lou, Q. Yang, W. Gu, X. Quan, J. Guerrero, and S. Li, Analysis and Design of Hybrid Harmonic Suppression Scheme for VSG Considering Nonlinear Loads and Distorted Grid, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2021, 36(4): 3096-3107.

[8]       Z. Wu, Z. Xu, W. Gu, S. Zhou, and X. Yang, Decentralized Game-Based robustly planning scheme for distribution network and microgrids considering bilateral energy trading, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, 13(2): 803-817.

[9]       H. Qiu, W. Gu, C. Ning, X. Lu, P. Liu, and Z. Wu, Multistage Mixed-Integer Robust Optimization for Power Grid Scheduling: An Efficient Reformulation Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2023, 14(1): 254-271.

[10]   W. Liu, W. Gu, P. Li, G. Cao, W. Shi, and W. Liu, Non-Iterative Semi-Implicit Integration Method for active distribution networks with a High Penetration of Distributed Generations, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(1): 438-450.

[11]   H. Qiu, W. Gu, W. Sheng, L. Wang, Q. Sun, and Z. Wu, Resilience-Oriented Multistage Scheduling for Power Grids Considering Nonanticipativity Under Tropical Cyclones, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, 38(4): 3254-3267.

[12]   S. Wei, W. Gu, W. Liu, and D. H. Zou, Segmented Transmission Delay Based Decoupling for Parallel Simulation of a Distribution Network, IET Renewable Power Generation, 2023, 17(1): 124-136.

[13]   H. Qiu, W. Gu, L. Wang, G. Pan, Y. Xu, and Z. Wu, Trilayer Stackelberg Game Approach for Robustly Power Management in Community Grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(6): 4073-4083.

[14]   G. Lou, W. Gu, X. Lu, Y. Xu and H. Hong, Distributed Secondary Voltage Control in Microgrids with Consideration of Communication Network and Time Delays,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(5): 3702-3715.

[15]   H. Qiu, W. Gu, Y. Xu, W. Yu, G. Pan and P. Liu, “Tri-Level Mixed-Integer Optimization for Two-Stage Microgrid Dispatch with Multi-uncertainties,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(5): 3636-3647.

[16]   G. Cao, W. Gu, P. Li, W. Sheng, K. Liu, L. Sun, Z. Cao and J. Pan, “Operational Risk Evaluation of Active Distribution Networks Considering Cyber Contingencies,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16(6): 3849-3861.

[17]   H. Qiu, W. Gu, Y. Xu, Z. Wu, S. Zhou and G. Pan, “Robustly Multi-Microgrid Scheduling: Stakeholder-Parallelizing Distributed Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020, 11(2): 988-1001.

[18]   P. Li, W. Gu, H. Long, G. Cao, Z. Cao, B. Xu and J. Pan, “High-Precision Dynamic Modeling of Two-Staged Photovoltaic Power Station Clusters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(6): 4393-4407.

[19]   H. Qiu, W. Gu, Y. Xu and B. Zhao, “Multi-Time-Scale Rolling Optimal Dispatch for AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids with Day-Ahead Distributionally Robust Scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019, 10(4): 1653-1663.

[20]   H. Qiu, W. Gu, Y. Xu, Z. Wu, S. Zhou and J. Wang, “Interval-Partitioned Uncertainty Constrained Robust Dispatch for AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids With Uncontrollable Renewable Generators,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,2019, 10(4): 4603-4614.

[21]   L. Luo,W. Gu, Z. Wu and S. Zhou, “Joint Planning of Distributed Generation and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Considering Real-Time Charging Navigation,” Applied Energy, 2019, 242: 1274-1284.

[22]   G. Lou, W. Gu, J. Wang, W. Sheng and L. Sun, “Optimal Design for Distributed Secondary Voltage Control in Islanded Microgrids: Communication Topology and Controller,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(2): 968-981.

[23]   P. Li,W. Gu, H. Long, G. Cao, Z. Cao, B. Xu and J. Pan, “High-Precision Dynamic Modeling of Two-Staged Photovoltaic Power Station Clusters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(6): 4393-4407.

[24]   L. Luo, W. Gu, S. Zhou, H. Huang, S. Gao, J. Han, Z. Wu and X. Dou, “Optimal Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Comprising Multi-Types of Charging Facilities,” Applied Energy, 2018, 226: 1087-1099.

[25]   Z. Wu, P. Liu, W. Gu, H. Huang and J. Han, “A Bi-Level Planning Approach for Hybrid AC-DC Distribution System Considering N-1 Security Criterion,” Applied Energy, 2018, 230: 417-428.

[26]   Y. Xu, J. Hu,W. Gu, W. Su and W. Liu, “Real-Time Distributed Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Security Constrained DC-OPF,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(3): 1580-1589.

[27]   L. Luo, W. Gu, X. Zhang, G. Cao, W. Wang, G. Zhu, D. You and Z. Wu, “Optimal Siting and Sizing of Distributed Generation in Distribution Systems with PV Solar Farm Utilized as STATCOM(PV-STATCOM),” Applied Energy, 2018, 210:1092–1110.

[28]   H. Qiu, W. Gu, J. Pan, B. Xu, Y. Xu, M. Fan and Z. Wu, “Multi-Interval-Uncertainty Constrained Robust Dispatch for AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids with Dynamic Energy Storage Degradation,” Applied Energy, 2018, 228: 205-214.

[29]   H. Qiu, B. Zhao, W. Gu and R. Bo, “Bi-Level Two-Stage Robust Optimal Scheduling for AC/DC Hybrid Multi-Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(5):5455 - 5466.

[30]   W. Liu, W. Gu, J. Wang, W. Yu and X. Xi, “Game Theoretic Non-Cooperative Distributed Coordination Control for Multi-Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9 (6): 6986- 6997.

[31]   G. Lou, W. Gu, J. Wang, J. Wang and B. Gu, “A Unified Control Scheme Based on a Disturbance Observer for Seamless Transition Operation of Inverter Interfaced Distributed Generation,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(5): 5444-5454.

[32]   Y. Xu, Z. Yang, W. Gu and Z. Deng, “Robust Real Time Distributed Optimal Control Based Energy Management in a Smart Grid,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017, 8(4):1568-1579.

[33]   G. Lou, W. Gu, Y. Xu, W. Jin and X. Du, “Stability Robustness for Secondary Voltage Control in Autonomous Microgrids with Consideration of Communication Delays,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(4): 4164-4178.

[34]   W. Gu, G. Lou, W. Tan and X. Yuan, “A Nonlinear State Estimator-Based Decentralized Secondary Voltage Control Scheme for Autonomous Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(6): 4794-4804.

[35]   G. Lou, W. Gu, Y. Xu, M. Chen and W. Liu, “Distributed MPC-Based Secondary Voltage Control Scheme for Autonomous Droop-Controlled Microgrids,”IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2017, 8(2): 792-804.

[36]   W. Liu, W. Gu, Y. Xu, Y. Wang and K. Zhang, “General Distributed Secondary Control for Multi-microgrids with Both PQ-controlled and Droop-controlled Distributed generators,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017, 11(3): 707-718.

[37]   W. Liu, W. Gu, W. Sheng, X. Meng, S. Xue and M. Chen, “Pinning-Based Distributed Cooperative Control for Autonomous Microgrids Under Uncertain Communication Topologies,”IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016, 31(2):1320-1329.

[38]   W. Gu, W. Liu, J. Zhu, B. Zhao, Z. Wu, Z. Luo and J. Yu, “Adaptive Decentralized Under-Frequency Load Shedding for Islanded Smart Distribution Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2014, 5(3):886-895.

[39]   W. Liu, W. Gu, W. Sheng, X. Meng, Z. Wu and W. Chen, “Decentralized Multi-Agent System-Based Cooperative Frequency Control for Autonomous Microgrids with Communication Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2014, 5(2): 446-456. (ESI高被引论文)

[40]   曹阳, 顾伟, 柳伟, 曹戈, 楼冠男, 邹德虎. 基于交叉初始化的换流器参数化恒导纳模型. 中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(10):3518-3527+3676.

[41]   李珂,顾伟,柳伟等.基于FPGA的变流器并行多速率电磁暂态实时仿真方法[J].电力系统自动化,2022,46(13):151-158.

[42]   史文博, 顾伟, 柳伟, 蒋平, 曹志煌, 潘静, 盛万兴, 孙丽敬. 结合模型切换和变步长算法的双馈风电建模及仿真. 中国电机工程学报, 2019, 39(22): 6592-6599.

[43]   吴志, 刘亚斐, 顾伟, 刘鹏翔, 李俊杰, 李哲. 基于改进Benders分解的储能、分布式电源与配电网多阶段规划. 中国电机工程学报, 2019, 39(16): 4705-4715.

[44]   洪灏灏, 顾伟, 黄强, 陈亮, 袁晓冬, 王建华. 微电网中多虚拟同步机并联运行有功振荡阻尼控制. 中国电机工程学报, 2019, 39(5): 1290-1300.

[45]   刘海波,李鹏, 顾伟, 张雪松, 窦晓波, 付明. 区域分布式电源集群监控系统. 电力系统自动化, 2018, 42(8): 163-169.

[46]   朱俊澎, 顾伟, 张韩旦, 王伟军, 朱刚, 尤锭军. 考虑网络动态重构的分布式电源选址定容优化方法. 电力系统自动化, 2018, 42(5): 111-119.

[47]   任佳依, 顾伟, 王勇, 嵇文路, 刘海波, 曹戈. 基于模型预测控制的主动配电网多时间尺度有功无功协调调度. 中国电机工程学报, 2018, 38(5): 1397-1407.

[48]   邱海峰, 赵波, 林达, 顾伟. 计及储能损耗和换流成本的交直流混合微网区域协调调度.电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(23): 29-37.

[49]   顾伟, 任佳依, 高君, 高菲, 宋晓辉, 刘海波. 含分布式电源和可调负荷的售电公司优化调度模型. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(14): 37-44.

[50]   顾伟, 邱海峰, 尹香, 陈兵, 袁晓冬, 王旭冲. 基于波形匹配的谐波责任划分方法. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(2): 129-134.

[51]   顾伟, 薛帅, 王勇, 柳伟, 陈明, 曹戈. 基于有限时间一致性的直流微电网分布式协同控制. 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(24): 49-55.



[1]       W. Gu, S. Lu, G. Lou, J. Wang and S. Zhou, Integrated Energy System Operational Optimization Method Considering Thermal Inertia of District Heating Networks and Buildings, US011016455B2, 2021.05.29. 美国专利

[2]       W. Gu, C. Wu, Z. Wu, S. Zhou and P. Jiang, Modeling Method of Combined Heat and Power Optimal Dispatchign Model, US01092861B2, 2021.04.20. 美国专利

[3]       W. Gu, G. Lou, M. Chen, W. Liu, S. Xue and G. Cao, Distributed Predictive Control Based Voltage Restoration Scheme for Microgrids, US010404065B2, 2019.09.03. 美国专利

[4]       W. Gu, G. Lou, S. Zhou, Z. Wu and G. Cao, Decentralized Voltage Control Method for Microgrid Based on Nonlinear State Observers, US010756569B2, 2020.08.25. 美国专利

[5]       W. Gu, G. Cao, W. Liu, Z. Wu, S. Zhou and G. Lou, General Distributed Control Method for Multi-Microgrids with PQ Control and Droop Control, US010644506B2, 2020.05.05. 美国专利

[6]       汤一达, 顾伟, 盛万兴, 吴志, 宋晓辉, 高菲, 赵毅, 一种构建主动配电网故障恢复统一模型的方法, CN201910406777.0, 2021.02.19.

[7]       楼冠男, 顾伟, 一种基于图论连通性的微电网分布式通讯拓扑设计方法, CN201810076380.5, 2020.12.29.

[8]       顾伟, 吴晨雨, 蒋平, 吴志, 陆帅, 姚帅, 一种热电综合能源管理系统及方法, CN201811010037.7, 2020.10.16.

[9]       顾伟, 邱海峰, 赵波, 一种交直流混合微网鲁棒优化协调调度方法, CN201711471851.4, 2020.09.11.

[10]   顾伟, 邱海峰, 龙寰, 周苏洋, 吴志, 计及储能动态损耗的交直流混合微网鲁棒调度方法, CN201810294782.2, 2020.08.11.

[11]   吴晨雨, 顾伟, 蒋平, 李振元, 蔡宏毅, 李宝聚, 一种热电联合优化调度模型的建模方法, CN201710296092.6, 2020.05.05.

[12]   楼冠男, 顾伟, 曹戈, 洪灏灏, 杨权, 基于线性二次型优化的微电网分布式控制器参数确定方法, CN201810229054.3, 2020.04.24.

[13]   姚帅, 顾伟, 陆帅, 吴晨雨, 考虑区域热网暂态传热特性的多能流系统优化运行方法, CN201711459115.7, 2020.03.31.

[14]   宋杉, 顾伟, 兰岚, 王勇, 孙昕杰, 罗兴, 周科峰, 嵇文路, 基于场景分析的含分布式电源配电网运行状态预测方法, CN201710790471.0, 2020.01.17.

[15]   顾伟, 邱海峰, 周苏洋, 吴志, 窦晓波, 吴在军, 计及储能荷电状态循环的交直流微网日内滚动优化调度方法, CN201810384935.2, 2019.12.17.

[16]   楼冠男, 顾伟, 曹戈, 柳伟, 陈明, 基于临界特征根跟踪的微电网延时裕度计算方法, CN201710456420.4, 2019.12.17.

[17]   顾伟, 邱海峰, 周苏洋, 龙寰, 吴志, 基于多区间不确定性鲁棒优化的交直流微网经济调度, CN201810293205.1, 2019.12.10.

[18]   顾伟, 邱海峰, 周苏洋, 吴志, 窦晓波, 吴在军, 计及交直流微网应对灾害事件弹性能力的鲁棒调度方法, CN201810384661.7, 2019.11.22.

[19]   楼冠男, 顾伟, 王珺, 陆帅, 骆钊, 吴晨雨, 一种基于热网和房屋热惯性的综合能源系统优化方法, CN201710019950.2, 2019.11.08.

[20]   吴志, 杨权, 顾伟, 王刘芳, 李伟, 徐斌, 一种不确定环境下考虑安全校验的电网鲁棒规划方法, CN201710695389.X, 2019.11.05.

[21]   楼冠男, 顾伟, 杨权, 曹戈, 柳伟, 陈明, 一种基于内模控制的微电网并离网平滑切换控制策略, CN201710099260.2, 2019.09.03.

[22]   顾伟, 聂颖惠, 宋杉, 朱俊澎, 任佳依, 一种计及被动式孤岛检测失败影响的配电网可靠性评估方法, CN201610693159.5, 2019.09.03.

[23]   顾伟, 邱海峰, 周苏洋, 吴志, 窦晓波, 吴在军, 一种交直流混联微网的随机鲁棒耦合型优化调度方法, CN201810166474.1, 2019.08.27.

[24]   顾伟, 陆帅, 骆钊, 吴志, 王珺, 一种基于鲁棒优化的冷热电联供型微网运行方法, CN201611149137.9, 2019.04.09.

[25]   顾伟, 陆帅, 骆钊, 吴志, 王珺, 一种基于鲁棒优化的冷热电联供型微网运行方法, CN201611149137.9, 2019.03.04.

[26]   楼冠男, 顾伟, 一种基于非线性状态观测器的微电网分散式电压控制方法, CN201611269647.X, 2019.04.09.

[27]   顾伟, 陈明, 柳伟, 楼冠男, 曹戈, 一种基于等网损微增率的主动配电网分布式无功优化方法, CN201610818830.4, 2019.02.03.

[28]   顾伟, 陆帅, 骆钊, 吴志, 王珺, 基于两阶段协调优化与控制的冷热电联供型微网运行方法, CN201611149138.3, 2019.02.03.

[29]   顾伟, 朱俊澎, 蒋平, 吴志, 聂颖慧, 任佳依, 一种以减少用户停电损失目标的动态孤岛划分方法, CN201610838309.7, 2018.10.22.

[30]   任佳依, 顾伟, 高君, 刘海波, 曹戈, 促进可再生能源消纳的电动汽车换电站充放电调度方法, CN201610591492.5, 2018.08.15.

[31]   任佳依, 顾伟, 高君, 曹戈, 刘海波, 基于二阶锥优化的售电公司所辖区域配电网的调度方法, CN201610599899.2, 2018.08.15.

[32]   顾伟, 楼冠男, 袁晓冬, 陈明, 柳伟, 曹戈, 一种基于扰动观测器的微电网并离网平滑切换控制方法, CN201610513952.2, 2018.07.10.

[33]   顾伟, 陈明, 柳伟, 楼冠男, 曹戈, 一种基于辅助问题原理的主动配电网分布式无功优化方法, CN201610691974.8, 2018.07.05.

[34]   邱海峰, 顾伟, 王旭冲, 储佳伟, 一种基于波形匹配的谐波电压责任的划分方法, CN201610576849.2, 2018.06.28.

[35]   顾伟, 曹戈, 薛帅, 柳伟, 陈明, 楼冠男, 洪灏灏, 基于有限时间一致性的直流微电网分布式协同控制方法, CN201610516573.9, 2018.06.15.

[36]   顾伟, 唐沂媛, 王志贺, 骆钊, 王珺, 陆帅, 一种综合能源系统中的分布式电源的配置方法, CN201610089467.7, 2018.06.05.

[37]   顾伟, 陈明, 柳伟, 基于有限时间一致性的孤岛微电网分布式协调控制方法, CN201610054613.2, 2018.02.06.

[38]   顾伟, 楼冠男,一种基于分布式预测控制策略的微电网电压恢复方法, CN201610135626.2, 2018.02.06.

[39]   顾伟, 王志贺, 骆钊, 唐沂媛, 一种基于模型预测控制的冷热电联供型微电网运行方法, CN201510059153.8, 2017.10.13.

[40]   顾伟, 柳伟, 陈明, 薛帅, 楼冠男, 曹戈, 面向对等模式下微电网的基于牵制的分布式协同控制方法, CN201510586785.X, 2017.05.31.

[41]   高君, 顾伟, 任佳依, 朱俊澎, 配电网内分布式电源有功无功解耦的多阶段调度方法, CN201510427576.0, 2017.05.03.

[42]   柳伟, 顾伟, 薛帅, 陈明, 曹戈, 赵波, 周金辉, 一种用于不确定通信拓扑的微电网协同控制方法, CN201510044890.0, 2017.04.05.

[43]   曹戈, 顾伟, 柳伟, 楼冠男, 陈明, 通用型包含恒功率和下垂控制的微电网群分布式控制方法, CN201610856013.8, 2017.02.15.

[44]   高君, 顾伟, 朱俊澎, 任佳依, 含分布式电源和可转移负荷的售电公司优化调度方法, CN201510383004.7, 2017.02.06.

[45]   顾伟, 楼冠男, 袁晓冬, 陈明, 柳伟, 曹戈, 一种基于扰动观测器的微电网并离网平滑切换控制方法, CN201610513952.2, 2016.09.07.

[46]   顾伟, 薛帅, 柳伟, 陈明, 曹戈, 赵波, 周金辉, 一种基于牵制的微电网分布式协同控制方法, CN201510045261.X, 2016.08.24.

[47]   顾伟, 罗李子, 许超, 姚建国, 杨胜春, 王珂, 曾丹, 一种基于优化方法的非迭代不确定潮流分析方法, CN201410370695.2, 2016.03.16.

[48]   罗李子, 顾伟, 许超, 姚建国, 杨胜春, 王珂, 曾丹, 一种基于优化方法的不确定潮流支路功率分析方法, CN201410371616.X, 2016.01.20.

[49]   柳伟, 薛帅, 顾伟, 陈明, 一种用于降低孤岛微电网切负荷成本的控制方法, CN201410508535.X, 2016.01.13.

[50]   顾伟, 柳伟, 周赣, 一种基于功率缺额预测及分配的微电网协同频率控制方法, CN201210265895.2, 2014.04.02.

[51]   顾伟, 张宁, 谢吉华, 周赣, 微电网分频能量管理方法, CN201210574837.8, 2013.05.01.



[1]       国家杰出青年科学基金城市能源电力系统运行与控制, 20241-202812, 主持.

[2]       国家重点研发计划--战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项:一带一路共建国家城市智慧能源网络协同能量管理与运行优化技术联合研发和示范, 20206-20236, 主持.

[3]       国家重点研发计划:分布式可再生能源发电集群实时仿真和测试技术, 20167-20196, 课题负责人.

[4]       国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(重点支持):能源市场环境下多能互补系统协调运行理论及方法研究, 20191-202212, 主持.

[5]       国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于源荷储分散式协同的自治电力系统紧急控制研究, 20151-201812, 主持.

[6]       国家科技支撑计划:消纳风电的热-电联合优化规划及运行控制技术, 20154-201712, 子课题负责人.

[7]       国家自然科学基金面上项目:冷热电联供型微电网高效运行的建模与优化方法, 20131-201612, 主持.

[8]       国家863计划:含分布式电源的微电网关键技术研发, 20121-201412, 技术骨干.

[9]       国家863计划:电动汽车充放电及与电网互动关键技术, 20121-201412, 技术骨干.

[10]   国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:电网紧急条件下防御电压崩溃的广域切负荷预测控制研究, 20101-201212, 主持.

[11]   国家自然科学基金面上项目:采用微分代数模型的复杂电力大系统区域控制研究, 20101-201212, 参与.



[1]   江苏省杰出青年科学基金:多能互补综合能源系统规划、运行与仿真技术, 20207-20236, 主持.

[2]   江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项基金:海量分布式资源接入的新型配电系统高效运行关键技术研发, 20237-20276, 主持.

[3]   江苏省自然科学基金:微电网多源频率支撑潜能挖掘及协同控制研究, 201112-201412, 主持.

[4]   江苏省产学研前瞻性研究项目:基于分布式电源的主动配电网定制电力技术研究, 20157-20176, 主持.

[5]   国家电网公司总部科技项目:综合能源系统多能流仿真及能量管理关键技术研究,201911-202112月,主持.

[6]   国家电网公司总部科技项目电力电子化配电系统高性能仿真模组及百纳秒级实时仿真测试技术, 202310-202512, 参与.

[7]   国网江苏省电力有限公司项目:基于全寿命周期的微电网建设效益评估及应用场景研究, 20195-20205, 主持.

[8]   浙江省电力公司电力科学研究院科技项目:区域综合能源系统统一建模与高效优化算法研究, 20171-20191, 主持.

[9]   浙江省电力公司科技项目:面向风光海多类型高密度新能源接入的沿海县域交直流配网规划技术研究, 20171-20191, 主持.

[10]江苏省电力公司电力科学研究院科技项目:基于电力-信息数模混合的主动配电网高性能仿真平台开发, 20174-201812, 主持.

[11]国家电网公司总部科技项目:配网侧高密度多种分布式电源的智能监控与协同优化调度技术研究, 20155-20175, 主持.

[12]浙江省电力公司科技项目:区域分布式电源集群技术研究, 20156-201612,子课题负责人.

[13]江苏省电力公司电力科学研究院科技项目:电压暂降扰动对典型敏感设备影响特性及试验技术研究, 20156-20166, 主持.

[14]中国电力科学研究院科技项目:广域分布式电源接入配电网建模及影响评估分析, 20146-20156, 主持.

[15]国家电网公司总部科技项目:分布式光伏规模化接入配网就地消纳关键技术研究, 2014-2014, 参与.

[16]中国电力科学研究院科技项目:配电网分布式电源与负荷的特性分析及协调机理研究, 20131-20156, 主持.

[17]中国电力科学研究院科技项目:计及负荷可调特性的有源配电网运行优化研究, 20136-20156, 主持.

[18]国家电网公司总部科技项目:配电网接纳分布式电源适应性与并网技术研究, 20136-20146, 参与.



[1]   学会组织任职:IEEE PES综合能源系统运行与规划分委会副主席、IEEE PES直流输配电系统仿真分委会副主席、IEEE PES配电网与分布式电源分委会副主席、IEEE PES智能电网与人工智能分委会副主席、IEEE PES南京教育委员会主席、中国仿真学会电力系统仿真专业委员会副主任、中国可再生能源学会综合系统专委会委员、国网江苏省电力有限公司创新导师。

[2]   期刊编委:IEEE Transactions on Power Systems》编委、《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》编委、《电力系统自动化》编委、《IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy》编委、《IET Energy Systems Integration》编委、《Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems》编委。

[3]   学术评审:担任瑞士自然科学基金、冰岛研究基金会(Icelandic Research Fund)外评专家,担任国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等重大/重点项目评审专家。








毕业研究生中, 8人成为国内985/211/省属高校优秀教师:吴志(东南大学副教授), 柳伟(南京理工大学副教授), 楼冠男(东南大学副教授), 朱俊澎(河海大学副教授), 罗李子(南京理工大学副教授), 骆钊(昆明理工大学副教授), 陆帅(东南大学讲师), 曹戈(西安理工大学讲师)。