章 飞


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章 飞


研究方向: 柔性直流输电,大功率电力电子,电力系统建模与仿真

Email: zhangfei@seu.edu.cn


浙江上虞人,分别于2009年和2012年在清华大学电机系获得学士和硕士学位,2018年在麦吉尔大学获得电气工程博士学位。20182-20209月在位于加拿大蒙特利尔的OPAL-RT Technologies柔性直流输电部门担任Electrical Simulation and Modeling Specialist,参与了ABB 微网系统、西门子轨道交通、庞巴迪多电飞机、全球能源互联网研究院直流电网等项目的建模与实时仿真。于2020年底加入东南大学电气学院。研究方向主要包括柔性直流输电、多电平变换器的拓扑与控制、电力系统建模与仿真等。


  1. F. Zhang, W. Li and G. Joós, A Transformerless Hybrid Modular Multilevel DC–DC Converter With DC Fault Ride-Through Capability, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 2217-2226, March 2019.

  2. F. Zhang, W. Li and G. Joós, “A Voltage Level based Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Converter,” IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 5301-5312, Aug. 2016.

  3. X. Meng, J. Han, J. Pfannschmidt, L. Wang, W. Li, F. Zhang, J. Belanger, Combining Detailed Equivalent Model With Switching-Function-Based Average Value Model for Fast and Accurate Simulation of MMCs, in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 484-496, March 2020.

  4. W. Li and F. Zhang, A General Interpolated Model of Voltage Source Converters for Real-time Simulation and HIL Test Applications, 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, USA, 2020, pp. 6155-6161.

  5. F. Zhang and W. Li, An Equivalent Circuit Method for Modeling and Simulation of Dual Active Bridge Converter Based Marine Distribution System, 2019 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS), Washington, DC, USA, 2019, pp. 382-387.

  6. Z. Zhu, W. Gong, J. Chen, F. Zhang, W. Wang, W. Li, “HIL Testing of an LCC-MMC Multi-terminal HVDC System in Various Operating Modes,” in International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST) 2019.

  7. F. Zhang, G. Joós and W. Li, “A Transformer-less Modular Multilevel DC-DC Converter with DC Fault Blocking Capability,” in the 3rd Annual Southern Power Electronics conference (SPEC), 2017 IEEE, 2017.

  8. H. Pang, F. Zhang, H. Bao, G. Joos, W. Wang, W.Li, L.A. Gregoire, and X. Zhai, “Simulation of Modular Multilevel Converter and DC Grids on FPGA with Sub-microsecond Time-step,” in Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2017 IEEE, 2017.

  9. X. Zhai, C. Lin, L.-A. Gregoire, W. Wang, W. Li, F. Zhang, and G. Joós, “Multi-rate Real-time Simulation of Modular Multilevel Converter for HVDC Grids Application,” in the 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2017 IEEE, 2017.

  10. F. Zhang, G. Joós and Wei Li, A multiport modular multilevel DC-DC converter, 7th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), IEEE 2016, pp. 1-7.

  11. F. Zhang, G. Joós, W. Li, and J. Belanger, “A Validation Methodology for Real Time Model of Modular Multilevel Converter,” in Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE, 2015, pp. 3344-3350.

  12. F. Zhang and G. Joós, “A Predictive Nearest Level Control of Modular Multilevel Converter,” in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2015 IEEE, 2015, pp. 2846-2851.