讲座预告|Chris Gerada | E-Machines and Drives for Future Propulsion


报告题目:E-Machines and Drives for Future Propulsion




Electrification of transportation propulsion systems is key in meeting the industry’s decarbonisation targets. Whilst electrical machine performance closely meets requirements for some transportation modes, for others the demands on electrical machine performance are significant. This presentation will overview the requirements of such machines for different platforms, their challenges and enabling technologies. A number of examples of very high performance machines pushing state-of-the-art performance boundaries will be presented giving insight into future technology trends.



Prof Chris Gerada of the University of Nottingham, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Industrial Strategy, Royal Academy of Engineering Chair of Electrical Machines, leads the Electrical Machines and Drives activities at the University of Nottingham. He has over 400 publications in the field and led a number of large UK and European Projects in Electrical Machines and has a cumulative Research Grant Portfolio of over £30M. Prof. Gerada has previously Chaired the IEEE IES Electrical Machines Committee, is a visiting Professor at the University of Modena and sits on numerous UK and EU committees. His research interests focus on high performance electrical machines and drives.