徐 炜


徐 炜

职称: 教授、博士生导师

研究方向: 新能源汽车电驱系统、伺服电驱系统

Email: xw327@hotmail.com


徐炜, 2004年于同济大学获得工学学士学位、2007年于德国汉诺威大学获得硕士学位、2013年于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得博士学位,主要从事新能源汽车电驱系统的建模、设计及控制的研究工作。2013年至2019年担任美国福特汽车公司电驱系统技术专家,期间主要研究新能源汽车的驱动系统控制与优化。2019年加入东南大学电气工程学院;主要研究方向为新能源汽车驱动技术、工业伺服系统设计与控制。



  1. Wei Xu(#); Robert D. Lorenz(*), High-frequency injection-based stator flux linkage and torque estimation for DB-DTFC implementation on IPMSMs considering cross-saturation effects, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2014.05.06, 50(6): 3805~3815.

  2. Wei Xu(#); Robert D. Lorenz(*), Dynamic loss minimization using improved deadbeat-direct torque and flux control for interior permanent-magnet synchronous machines, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2013.07.03, 50(2): 1053~1065.

  3. Wei Xu(#); Robert D. Lorenz(*), Reduced parameter sensitivity stator flux linkage observer in deadbeat-direct torque and flux control for IPMSMs, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2014.01.09, 50(4): 2626~2636

  4. Wei Xu(#); Robert D. Lorenz(*), Low-sampling-frequency stator flux linkage observer for interior permanent-magnet synchronous machines, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2015.06.01, 51(5): 3932~3942.

  5. Wei Xie(#); Xiaocan Wang; Fengxiang Wang; Wei Xu; Ralph M. Kennel; Dieter Gerling(*), Dynamic loss minimization of finite control set-model predictive torque control for electric drive system, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2015.03.05, 31(1): 5402~5410.

  6. Wei Xie(#); Xiaocan Wang; Fengxiang Wang; Wei Xu; Ralph M. Kennel; Dieter Gerling(*); Robert D. Lorenz, Finite-control-set model predictive torque control with a deadbeat solution for PMSM drives, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015.03.09, 62(9): 5402~5410.


  1. Wei Xu(#); Robert Shaw(*); Jiyao Wang, Methods of determining initial position of a rotor and systems thereof, 2013.02.14, 美国,9093940.

  2. Wei Xu(#)(*); Fazal Syed, Current Control based Six Step, 2016.06.01, 美国, 9849806.

  3. Wei Xu(#); Syed Fazal, Fuzzy logic based sliding mode control of variable voltage converter, 2015.10.15, 美国, 10220710.

  4. Jiyao Wang(#); Wei Xu; Shuzhen Liu; Zhichun Ma, Elimination of VVC in HEV drive system, 2017.01.31, 美国, 10063180.

  5. Jiyao Wang(#); Wei Xu(*), Noise Reduction in MTP EV Drive System, 2017.02.17, 美国, 10137790.

  6. Daniel Richard Luedtke(#); Yulei Chen; Kyle Hanson; Fazal Syed; Wei Xu, Relative Inductor Damping for VVC, 2015.01.14, 美国, 9937802.