讲座预告|Zeyuan Xu & David Gerada|Thermal management of electrical machines in PEMC group of Nottingham University & Pushing electrical machines’ technology boundaries for future transportation



报告1:Thermal management of electrical machines in PEMC group of Nottingham University

报告嘉宾:Zeyuan Xu


        Thermal management of electrical machines is one of the main challenges when the machine is pushed to high power density in order to meet the requirements of modern and future electrical aircraft.New cooling strategies are introduced to remove heat from inside of the machine directly. This will enable to step-change the machine performance requirements. The thermal team within the PEMC group at the University of Nottingham has been working on electrical machine thermal management for decades and particularly on the cooling of modern high speed machines developed for future more and full electrical aircraft. This talk will give a brief introduction of the activities in the group, followed by some examples of thermal management methods of high speed machine developed in Nottingham.


        Dr. Zeyuan Xu obtained his Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1986. Following this he joined Lanzhou Institute of Physics and then Beijing Institute of Microelectronics Technology as an engineer, project manager on satellite engineering and thermal management of electronic devices. He then moved to UK and studied his PhD degree in thermos-fluids engineering within the Osborn Reynolds Nuclear Research Lab at Manchester University. On obtaining his PhD degree, in 2002 he joined Brain Lander’s turbulence research group in UMIST as a research follow. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher Fellow in the PEMC group at the University of Nottingham.  His main research interests are focused on thermal management and mechanical design of high speed, high power density electrical machines for future more-electric and fully-electrical aircraft.

报告2:Pushing electrical machines’ technology boundaries for future transportation

报告嘉宾:David Gerada


        Electrification is a key enabler to meet future emissions targets for transport applications. Being at the heart of the electrified architectures, electrical machines require unprecedented performance requirements.

        This presentation gives an overview of the requirements for next generation high performance electrical machines for future transportation. The multi-domain considerations are discussed together with the recent advancements in electrical machine materials such as electrical steels, magnets, copper wire and copper alloys. Deriving from the authors’ experience spanning land, air and marine applications, various case studies involving high performance machines are discussed.



        David Gerada received the Ph.D. degree in high-speed electrical machines from the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK in 2012. From 2007-2016 he was with the R&D Department at Cummins Inc. At Cummins he pioneered the design and development of high speed electrical machines, transforming a challenging technology into a reliable one suitable for the transportation market, and establishing industry-wide used metrics for such machinery. In 2016 he joined the University of Nottingham as a Senior Fellow in Electrical Machines, responsible for developing state of the art electrical machines for future land and air transportation which push existing technology boundaries, while propelling the new technologies to higher technology readiness levels (TRL). Dr. Gerada is a Chartered Engineer in the U.K. and a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.