Xiao-Ping Zhang


Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang

Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering

Professor of Electrical Power Systems

Director of Institute for Energy Research and Policy

Director of Smart Grid, Birmingham Energy Institute Co-Director, Birmingham Energy Storage Centre (sponsored by EPSRC)

Telephone: +44 (0)121 414 4298

Fax: +44 (0)121 414 4291

Email: x.p.zhang@bham.ac.uk


Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang has some twenty years international engineering and academic R&D experience ranging from China and Germany, to the UK with a focus on Electrical Power Systems Engineering. In April 2007, Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang joined the University of Birmingham taking up the post of Reader in Energy Distribution Systems and Director of the University Institute for Energy Research and Policy after spending 7 years with the University of Warwick as lecturer, senior lecturer and then associate professor.

Professor Zhang previously had several years’ industry experience for the development of commercial SCADA/EMS/DMS products for the monitoring, operation decision and control of electricity networks. He held a visiting position with the Electrical Energy and Power Systems Research Group at UMIST (now the University of Manchester), UK in 1998/99 and a position of Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow with the Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics at Dortmund University, Germany in 1999/2000, which is a life-long honor.

Professor Zhang’s research activities include smart grid technologies; FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) and HVDC applications in electric power systems operation & control; integration of renewable generation including wind and wave energy generation systems into power grids; hybrid vehicles, smart metering and electricity market modeling & analysis, etc sponsored by UK Research Councils, Industry, UK Government and European Commission FP7 Smart Energy Network (Smart Grid) Programme. He has established two advanced electrical power systems laboratories at the University of Birmingham, namely Smart Power Grid Laboratory and Real-time Power Grid Simulation, Measurement, Protection and Control laboratory.

Professor Zhang has over 100 publications including 3 books. Xiao-Ping has been an invited speaker for many panel & plenary sessions of International Conferences. He is Co-Chair of the IEEE Power & Energy Society Working Group on Test Systems for Economic Analysis. He is also the secretary of IFAC Technical Committee on Power Plants and Power Systems. He is an IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer and Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and Power Systems.


  • Technologies for smart grids

  • Application of power electronics such as FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) and HVDC in transmission and distribution systems

  • Integration of PHEVs into power grids

  • Protection and control of distribution networks with distributed generation

  • Micro-generation and Micro-grid

  • Smart metering and wide area monitoring and awareness

  • Power system economics

  • Large scale power system optimisation and planning

  • Analysis and control of power system stability

  • Power quality and harmonics